2:27:59 AM | Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM


Family First Leave Act - Requesting Administrative Leave

How to File an OWCP Claim for COVID-19.pdf

2-4-22 Liberal Leave Extension with original.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU signed 2.3.22 with Links.pdf

2021 1-5 COVID-19 Employee RTW.pdf


Extension of Liberal Changes of Schedules and Leave 12.21.21.pdf

MOU - Extension of COVID Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.21.21.pdf

OSHA and the Postal Service.pdf

ETS COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing.pdf

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (2).pdf

Liberal Leave Policy Extension 9-30-2021.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.31.21 signed.pdf

Expiration of Emergency Federal Employee Leave

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (1).pdf

NYC's Teacher COVID Vax Mandate Cleared By Federal.pdf

United's New Vax Approach Legally Sound, Experts Say - Law360.pdf

Mass. Police Union Can't Halt Vax Mandate For.pdf

NYC School Staff Vaccine Mandate Can Move Forward.pdf

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2).pdf

Cover Letter Emergency Paid Leave.pdf

Attachment 1 COVID-19 Emergency Paid Leave Key Features.pdf

Attachment 2 Guidance on COVID-19 Emergency Paid Leave.pdf

Attachment 3 Template - Request to Use COVID-19 Emergency Paid Leave_0.pdf

Attachment 4 Template - COVID-19 Emergency Paid Leave Employee Agreement.pdf

Attachment 5 COVID-19 Emergency Paid Leave Questions and Answers_0.pdf

EFEL Request Form.pdf

EFEL Employee Agreement.pdf

Required OPM Documentation for Emergency Federal Leave_04.30.2021.pdf

2021 04-29 - EFEL Officer Memo - Update 4.pdf

Extension of Probationary Language through June 4, 2021

New Leave Under the American Rescue Plan (ARPA)

Step 2 Appeal Form - Administrative Leave Template COVID-19.doc

012821 Letter Zimmerman-National, State and Local Officers re COVID Family First Leave & Next Steps (1).pdf

012821 Letter Zimmerman-National, State and Local Officers re COVID Family First Leave & Next Steps.pdf

Liberal Leave Extensiion 12-22-20.pdf

Probationary Email.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12-21-2020 - md2.pdf

2020 12-09 Face Covering Stay at Home Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx


2020 11-18 COVID-19 SUT 55 ALL EMPLOYEES_Social Distancing Reminder.pdf

COVID-19 SUT 54_ALL EMPLOYEES_Protecting everyone's safety and wellness.pdf

New CDC Guidance on Masks Nov2020.pdf

2020 10-28 Face Covering Orders for AL MS TN.xlsx

2020 09-30 Face Covering Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

COVID-19 Employee RTW 9_30_2020.pdf

APWU - 2021 Annual Leave Carryover - MD.pdf

APWU - 2021 Annual Leave Exchange - MD.pdf

COVID-19 091820 BMT and MRC Position Qualification MOU Extension unil 123120.pdf

USPS will not defer payroll taxes

Extension of 90-Day Probation Language.pdf

Washington Judge Ruling on USPS.pdf

Liberal Leave Policy Extended.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 9-2020.pdf

2020 09-16 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

FFCRA faqs-2020 - update 9-9-20.pdf

2020 08 27 COVID-19 SUT 50_ALL EMPLOYEES_FFCRA leave.pdf

Window units and Plexiglas Separations

2020 08-12 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

Does wearing a medical/surgical mask or cloth face covering cause unsafe oxygen levels or harmful carbon dioxide levels to the wearer?

2020 07-29 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx


COVID19 Claims APWU final.pdf

2020 June 28 facemasks_cc.pdf

Stay Vigilant - COVID-19.pdf

June 2020 FFCRA Q and A.pdf

2020-5-20 Notification No. GCCC20200214 USPS to Resume RCE Shops May 26 - Reassigned.pdf

Essential Service Provider Letter.pdf

Bulk Mail Tech and MRC Position Qualification MOU Extension 052020 t.pdf

COVID-19 SUT 42_ALL EMPLOYEES Supplier On Site Procedures 052120.pdf

MOU - Temporary Extension on Step 3 Arbitration Appeals - Extended Through July 17.pdf



Response to UPMA Special Exempt Status 5-20-2020.pdf

Response to Wagner_Hazard Pay 5-20-2020.pdf

Temporary Exception Period-Clerk Craft F-1 and F-4 COVID 19 Q and A dated 052020.pdf

liberal leave extension.pdf

Temporary MOU extension through July 17.pdf

FFCR Act HR presentation (4-14-2020).pptx

Breaking OWCP.pdf

MOU - Expiration Dates

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account election.pdf

AVP-Letter-Liberal Changes of Schedule leave.pdf

COVID19 Stimulus Payment Resources



AFL-CIO Resources for Workers Impacted by COVID-19

2020 04-14 Expanded FMLA Checklist

2020 04-14 FFCRA FAQ

2020 04-14 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Checklist

CI Clerks - md signed-signed

04-13-20 Questionr Regarding Documentation taking leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

U.S. Postal Inspection Service COVID Scams PSA


USPS Employee Assistance Program








Updated 4-10-20 COVID19 Response

FFCRA APWU Questions and Answers 4-9-2020



Health Tips Feb 11

MOU_Expanded Sick Leave

MOU_Temp Additional Paid Leave

Temporary Exception for Level 18 Postmaster Performing Bargaining Unit Work

Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM

Management Directives

Plexi, social distancing, and cleaning.pdf

Updated Postal Service Face Covering Policy_03.29.2022.pdf

How to File an OWCP Claim for COVID-19.pdf

2-4-22 Liberal Leave Extension with original.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU signed 2.3.22 with Links.pdf

2022.1-5 usps-close-contact-tracing-program.pdf

COVID 19 Supervisor Checklist.xlsx

Extension of Liberal Changes of Schedules and Leave 12.21.21.pdf

MOU - Extension of COVID Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.21.21.pdf

OSHA and the Postal Service.pdf

ETS COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing.pdf

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (2).pdf

Liberal Leave Policy Extension 9-30-2021.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.31.21 signed.pdf

Expiration of Emergency Federal Employee Leave

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (1).pdf

NYC's Teacher COVID Vax Mandate Cleared By Federal.pdf

United's New Vax Approach Legally Sound, Experts Say - Law360.pdf

Mass. Police Union Can't Halt Vax Mandate For.pdf

NYC School Staff Vaccine Mandate Can Move Forward.pdf

Mandatory Face Covering Policy Revised.pdf

COVID-19Delta Variant_SUT-XX-All-Employees_Face Coverings and-Masks_Return Update.pdf

OSHA Guidance 8-20-21.pdf

COVID-19 Letter 7-26-2021.pdf

July 24, 2021 USPS Contact Tracing Policy Update

Unilateral Update to USPS Mask Policy

Probation Language Extension to August 6, 2021 August 6, 2021.pdf

Liberal Leave Extensiion 12-22-20.pdf

Probationary Email.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12-21-2020 - md2.pdf

2020 12-09 Face Covering Stay at Home Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

New CDC Guidance on Masks Nov2020.pdf

2020 10-28 Face Covering Orders for AL MS TN.xlsx

2020 10-07 Face Covering Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

2020 10 14 COVID-19 SUT 51_RETAIL AND DELIVERY_Customer Signature Servic....pdf

2020 09-30 Face Covering Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

COVID-19 Employee RTW 9_30_2020.pdf

APWU - 2021 Annual Leave Carryover - MD.pdf

APWU - 2021 Annual Leave Exchange - MD.pdf

AWPU - USPS Temporary Exception Period Clerk Craft Hiring - QAs Final Version 9-15-20 - MD.pdf

Extension of 90-Day Probation Language.pdf

2020 09-16 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

Window units and Plexiglas Separations

2020 08-12 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

Does wearing a medical/surgical mask or cloth face covering cause unsafe oxygen levels or harmful carbon dioxide levels to the wearer?

2020 07-29 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx


COVID-19_ Considerations for Wearing Cloth Face Coverings _ CDC.pdf

2020 June 28 facemasks_cc.pdf

2020 06-24 Face Cover Orders By State - Local Jurisdictions.xlsx

Stay Vigilant - COVID-19.pdf

2020-5-20 Notification No. GCCC20200214 USPS to Resume RCE Shops May 26 - Reassigned.pdf

BME Tech MRC Qualification Signed.pdf

NCED extension 2020.pdf

USPS Publication 52_ Packaging Instruction 6C _COVID_21Apr20_ MCollins.pdf

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Research Kits Summary V4 050620.doc

Temperature Screenings at Postal Facilities

2020 05-06 Mandatory-Face-Coverings-and-FAQs.pdf

2020 05-12 Face Shield Instructions.pdf

COVID-19 Timekeeping Quick Reference v10.xlsx

MOU - Expiration Dates

Legislative One Pager - Save the PO

COVID-19 SUT 34_ALL EMPLOYEES_Face covering and mask update

USPS_Public Health_Poster_8.5x11_R3_Color (003)

Tennessee District Covid-19

fresh air during COVID-19





FINAL Letter_DMU Customer Requiring Screening

MOU MVS Temporary Staffing and Subcontracting MVS 4-8-20 - MD signed (004)-signed

CI Clerks -signed

MOU - Temporary Extension on Step 3 Arbitration Appeals - Extended 4-14-2020-signed

MOU - Addtitional Extension on Timeline for Local Implementation 4-14-2020-signed

BME and MRC Pending Qual - Finalv2

COVID-19 Exception Bulk Mail Tech and MRC Position Qualification Examination 427 Suspension

COVID-19 SUT 28_ ALL EMPLOYEES_Interacting with VMF personnel

MDC Bargaining Unit Telework

Customer Retention Sites Telework

Temporary Exception for Level 18 Postmaster Performing Bargaining Unit Work

USPS Passport Scheduler 032320 Change Implemented

DSI Guidance


COVID-19 Decision Tree Updated 04_01_2020

APWU_Am I At Risk Handling Packages

Corporate Travel

Covid-19_What You Need To Know

No Evidence Of Transmission Through Parcels

Postal Service Pandemic Influenza Plan

Stop Germs Wash Your Hands

Supervisory And Management Guidence Mar 13

Travel For Training

Voluntary Use Of Masks

Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM

Management Maintainence Orders

Plexi, social distancing, and cleaning.pdf

Updated Postal Service Face Covering Policy_03.29.2022.pdf

How to File an OWCP Claim for COVID-19.pdf

2-4-22 Liberal Leave Extension with original.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU signed 2.3.22 with Links.pdf

2022.1-5 usps-close-contact-tracing-program.pdf

COVID 19 Supervisor Checklist.xlsx

Extension of Liberal Changes of Schedules and Leave 12.21.21.pdf

MOU - Extension of COVID Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.21.21.pdf

OSHA and the Postal Service.pdf

ETS COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing.pdf

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (2).pdf

Liberal Leave Policy Extension 9-30-2021.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12.31.21 signed.pdf

Expiration of Emergency Federal Employee Leave

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (1).pdf

NYC's Teacher COVID Vax Mandate Cleared By Federal.pdf

United's New Vax Approach Legally Sound, Experts Say - Law360.pdf

Mass. Police Union Can't Halt Vax Mandate For.pdf

NYC School Staff Vaccine Mandate Can Move Forward.pdf

Mandatory Face Covering Policy Revised.pdf

COVID-19Delta Variant_SUT-XX-All-Employees_Face Coverings and-Masks_Return Update.pdf

OSHA Guidance 8-20-21.pdf

COVID-19 Letter 7-26-2021.pdf

July 24, 2021 USPS Contact Tracing Policy Update

Probation Language Extension to August 6, 2021 August 6, 2021.pdf

Liberal Leave Extensiion 12-22-20.pdf

Probationary Email.pdf

MOU - Extension of Memoranda of Understanding_APWU 12-21-2020 - md2.pdf

2020 12-09 Face Covering Stay at Home Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx


2020 11-18 COVID-19 SUT 55 ALL EMPLOYEES_Social Distancing Reminder.pdf

New CDC Guidance on Masks Nov2020.pdf

2020 10-28 Face Covering Orders for AL MS TN.xlsx

2020 10-07 Face Covering Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

2020 10 14 COVID-19 SUT 51_RETAIL AND DELIVERY_Customer Signature Servic....pdf

2020 09-30 Face Covering Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

COVID-19 Employee RTW 9_30_2020.pdf

2020 09-16 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

Window units and Plexiglas Separations

2020 08-12 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx

Does wearing a medical/surgical mask or cloth face covering cause unsafe oxygen levels or harmful carbon dioxide levels to the wearer?

2020 07-29 Face Cover Orders by Jurisdiction.xlsx


2020 June 28 facemasks_cc.pdf

2020 06-24 Face Cover Orders By State - Local Jurisdictions.xlsx

COVID19 Supplies State Reporting

Maintenance Update - District and Plant Response Kits


Maintainence Management Order Cleaning Contingency

Maintainence Update Using Bleach

Management Instruction PPEs

MU_04062020v22n27 - Maintenacnce Update

Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM

CDC Information

FECA Outreach - ARPA COVID-19 (Final-2) (1).pdf

NYC's Teacher COVID Vax Mandate Cleared By Federal.pdf

United's New Vax Approach Legally Sound, Experts Say - Law360.pdf

Mass. Police Union Can't Halt Vax Mandate For.pdf

NYC School Staff Vaccine Mandate Can Move Forward.pdf

OSHA Guidance 8-20-21.pdf


CDC_Covid-19 Symptoms

CDC_Protects And Prepares Communities

CDC_Stop The Spread Of Germs

CDC_What To Do If You Are Sick

What Is Covid-19

Removing gloves safely

Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM

Stand Up Talks

COVID-19 SUT 66_ALL EMPLOYEES_ Face coverings and masks update.pdf


2020 11-18 COVID-19 SUT 55 ALL EMPLOYEES_Social Distancing Reminder.pdf

COVID-19 SUT 54_ALL EMPLOYEES_Protecting everyone's safety and wellness.pdf

2020 11 04 COVID-19 SUT 52_Keeping your vehicle clean.pdf

2020 10 30 COVID-19 SUT 53_ALL EMPLOYEES_Protecting everyone's safety and wellness.pdf

2020 08 27 COVID-19 SUT 50_ALL EMPLOYEES_FFCRA leave.pdf

2020 08 20 SUT 49 Face covering and mask_reminder.pdf

COVID-19 test kits SUT_Generic version_5.29.2020 Cat B (002).pdf

Stay Vigilant - COVID-19.pdf

2020-6-22 Notification No. GCCC20200285 RCAS to Be Available on SSK Beginning Late June.pdf

Mandatory SUT - Essential Services During Covid-19 and Recent and Local ....pdf

SUT - COVID19 test kits NYC v8 (revised 5-6-2020).docx

SUT - MD COVID-19 Test Kits (5-13-2020 Final).pdf

SUT - MI COVID-19 test kits (5-13-2020 Final).pdf

SUT - 23 ALL EMPLOYEES Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA 4-2-2020).pdf


COVID-19 SUT 35_BMEU_Detached Mail Unit guidance

COVID-19 SUT 23_ALL EMPLOYEES_Families First Coronavirus Response Act.pdf

COVID-19 SUT 19_ALL EMPLOYEES_Employee Privacy.pdf

Retail Standup Talk Temporarily Suspending RCE Shops March 25, 2020

Mandatory Retail Stand-Up Talk Mar 19

Mandatory Retail Stand-Up Talk Mar 23

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Feb 11

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Feb 25

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Feb 29

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Jan 24

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Mar 18

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Mar 19

Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Mar 23

Site last updated 3/12/2024 9:19AM

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This site is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date career information to members of the Chattanooga APWU Local 192.

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Email: info@ChattAPWU.org